goodness. I miss the warmth and wrap of writing and posting here just as I miss the freedom of a schedule non dominated by school. one semester remains until I receive that multi thousand dollar slip which tells me I have achieved something significant and can move on to a career that will {hopefully} fill my soul. I love watching the progression of personal style. how one may transition from a certain aesthetic, then flip to the opposite end of the spectrum. not that this has happened for me, but my closet is filled with far more black, crop tops, and grungy items than it has ever had before. also, flawy, non structured items tend to be the things I gravitate to most now {as with this above outfit, long dress and loose sweater}.
today I was toying with the idea of starting a new blog. then though, realizing I still have many people that follow this blog {most likely without even realizing, since it has been so long since I've posted here} I thought, why not follow up here, post for a bit, see how it feels? I'm not sure if I want to continue on with this page but for now, I will. and if you have feedback, want me to stay here, don't have a preference, etc, please let me know.
happy soon-to-be-April to all of you, and thanks for reading <3